IIA Standards: What Will Change?


IIA Standards: What Will Change?

The International Internal Audit Standards (IIA) are undergoing significant changes that will take effect in late 2023. These changes aim to streamline and consolidate various elements, enhance the role of the board in governing the internal audit function, clarify the responsibilities of Chief Audit Executives, and incorporate new performance requirements to ensure the quality of internal audit services.

Additionally, considerations for the public sector and small functions will be introduced. The International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) is undergoing proposed changes. This article outlines these changes and provides insight into the future of the IPPF.

New Structure of IIA Standards

According to IIA, the revised IIA standards aim to simplify the structure by consolidating and streamlining the five mandatory elements of 2022, Mission, Definition, Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, Code of Ethics, and Standards. The proposed changes will result in the creation of the Global Audit Standards, aligning the Standards and Principles together. Moreover, considerations for implementation, evidence of conformance, and a public sector perspective will be included.

New Content of IIA Standards

The updated IIA standards will introduce new content that expands on the purpose of internal auditing and includes 15 principles. There will be a significant alteration to the board’s role, especially the Audit Committee’s.

This change is specifically in regards to governing the internal audit function. This change emphasizes the board’s responsibility in providing oversight and support to ensure effective internal audit activities. Furthermore, the new standards will address specific considerations for the public sector, small functions, and other relevant areas.

Changes and Clarifications

To provide clarity and improve internal audit practices, several changes and clarifications will be made. The role of Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) in managing the internal audit function will be clearly defined, outlining their responsibilities and expectations.

Additionally, new performance requirements will be incorporated to ensure the quality of internal audit services. This shift recognizes that quality encompasses both conformance with standards and the overall performance that contributes to the organization’s success.

The Evolution of IPPF

The International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) is undergoing a comprehensive review and update alongside the IIA standards. The draft of the proposed Global Internal Audit Standards™ is currently available for public comment until May 30, marking a major milestone in the project. This public comment period allows stakeholders to provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement. Have a look at the current vs the proposed IPPF mapping:

Before the end of 2023, the Standards Board plans to formally issue the updated Global Internal Audit Standards™ after reviewing the feedback and making any required changes. Additionally, the Implementation Guidance, previously a recommended (nonmandatory) element, will be included within the Standards, eliminating the need for separate entities.

The Standards will no longer be divided into two categories: “attribute” and “performance”. Additionally, the concept of “interpretations” will be removed as a separate section. Instead, the implementation standards denoted by “A” and “C” will be integrated into the main body of the proposed Standards. The numbering system and order of the Standards will undergo a complete overhaul to enhance clarity and ease of reference.

The new IPPF will still include guidance as a recommended element. This will provide more comprehensive coverage of internal audit practices and subjects. A further addition to the IPPF’s Standards and Guidance that is being discussed is Topical Requirements. These requirements will address emerging topics in a timely and succinct manner, providing internal auditors with specific guidance on relevant areas.


Changes to the IIA standards and IPPF are coming. This is part of a concerted effort to make internal audit practices more effective, clear, and of a higher quality. By simplifying the structure, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and incorporating stakeholder input, the IIA aims to ensure that internal auditors meet the evolving needs of organizations worldwide.

The proposed changes, along with the ongoing public comment period and future release of the Global Internal Audit Standards™, mark a significant step forward in promoting excellence and professionalism in the field of internal auditing.

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